***Merry Monday Roll Call***

Pam Hart
on 5/1/11 2:45 pm - Easton, PA

So I am determined to make Monday better than Sunday!

Sunday I hit road block after road block of getting anything done the way I wanted to. I "escaped" to work and even that was hellacious for the beginning few hours - felt like I was drowning there too.  It was not fun. 

Anyway on the way home I have three stops to make;

~Grocery store
~Liz's house to pick up my pull up bar that Chris so lovingly helped screw together before I threw it through my front window
~Township building to drop off payment for stuff

After that I'm gonna attempt to go to bed fairly early - maybe by 9ish and sleep till about 2 or 3

Then it'll be up, exercise, shower, and a quick four hours 1900-2300 at LVH, assuming I don't get cancelled.  I actually need to check on that today to see if it was even approved.

I'm gonna keep myself on a quazi night schedule this week....and sleeping till 2 or 3 will help me be awake for awhile after working till 11, and I hope to do some serious cooking Monday night after work for meals for the week....I'm trying to be very prepared for the week by doing a lot of cooking/pre packaging stuff on my days off so I have more time to dedicate to exercise when I am working.  I'm also using this opportunity to cut the excess crap from my diet and truly give myself the 90 days I need to kick my ass back into shape.  Think of it as rehab for the food addict.

Enjoy the day!


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 5/1/11 8:30 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning Pam - looks like we're the early birds today. It's 6:25 AM and I'm sitting in the waiting room at Chester hospital - my nephew is being scoped today to find out what's going on with his swallowing and other issues he's been having.

Our weekend has been crazy as well. We do think my stepdaughter is going to take the little dog we took in on Saturday - we may give him to Kimi as a graduation gift (granddaughter) - she lost her dog a fee months ago.

So I'm off today - not sure what will be goin on when I get home - guess it really depends on how long this takes this morning.

And of course the BIG news of the day that Bin Laden is dead! Not that someone won't take his place but I'm glad they got the SOB finally.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Patricia R.
on 5/1/11 8:49 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Pam,
I am up, exhausted, coz I stayed up to watch the Phillies/Mets game end.  Congrats Mets fans.  It was an interesting game, which went 14 innings.

I am heading to take my dog to Petsmart, and then to get on the turnpike to spend the night in Pittsburgh, where I will visit with my son, and get a swim in, and hopefully, get a good night's sleep.  Then, tomorrow, up and out the door to Michigan to spend 8 days with my Munchkins.  Isabel has her first dance recital on Saturday, and I get to spend Mothers day with my daughter and the kidlets.  What an honor. 

Saturday, my son took me to the Phillies game for an early Mother day present.  Now, the trip, where I get to see my son en route, and the kids.  I am in Mothers heaven.

Hope everyone has a good day.  I will post when I can get on the puter.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 5/1/11 8:53 pm
Good Morning Pammy and PA!!

It was nice to see you and the others at Liz's on Saturday! Always a good time with great food and friends!!

Today is back to reality....Up and out early! Today begins 2-3 weeks of testing! I wind up being more tired from just walking around and looking at the clock then when I am teaching all day!! This week will be busy! I have a rehearsal at the college on Tuesday night then our concert is on Thursday night! Of course we are LAST on the program so who knows what time I will get home??

Wor****il 3:30 then home to maybe take a nap because I did NOT sleep well last night! Thank goodness I got EVERYTHING ready for this morning. I even packed lunches and snacks for the next couple of days and my vitamins and meds for the week! YEAH  ME!!!

I don't know if Bin Laden being "dead" is a good or a bad thing....there are others that followed him? Just sayin....

Have a great day!
Love to all, Beth

on 5/1/11 9:00 pm - Lancaster, PA
Hi all. I went to bed early and did not hear the news until this am. I am like Beth. I am not sure if him being dead is good or bad. But I will go with good. Unfortunately so many people have died it seems like a hollow victory.

In a moody monday mood. Dont want to be at work trying very hard not to be negative and put the emotions where they belong. I started today my 12 step program of abstinence I finally figured out a plan for me that may do what I need it to do. So we will see, I guess the good thing about food is that you can tweak the program. AA you just dont drink ever. So today is my first day, one of many I am hoping. Amazing how much emotion and misguided thinking in present when you strip away the food.

Love to you all hope your Monday is good.
Lisa H.
on 5/1/11 9:25 pm - Whitehall, PA
You can do it, Pam.. today WILL be better.   I have some good news after my rough Saturday morning.  Early Sat afternoon while I was waiting for Chele to come get me to go to cooking class, I filled out an online application for a PT job at Ross.  Within 15 minutes of completing the application, they called me for an interview.  I have an interview there at 3:30 tomorrow.  I really don't see any reason why they wouldn't hire me.  I have experience, I am educated, and I am ME! .  I expect to have a PT job by the end of the week.  That will help me to take care of some of the financial crap I am dealing with and will also give Siehara a chance to be more responsible by forcing her to stay home for a few hours at a time while I work.  The store is right near my apartment (in walking distance), so not only do I plan to walk when I have enough time between jobs, but it is also close enough for her to feel pretty secure about being home alone.  I think she can handle it.  

I'm working on waking up right now.  


Work til 3:30
Siehara has physical therapy at 4

then, off to the gym.. need to decide if I will do Body Pump, then Yoga or zumba and taking a chance with boot camp.  I really wish spin class wasn't thrown into the middle of the other 2 classes.  I want to get back into that.  hmmm Maybe I'll just do spin tonight since it's been so long.. oh choices choices...

I was talking to an ex-marine over the weekend and he said that my best bet is a lot of cardio.  He is insistent that I can rid of the extra skin like that, but I know that won't happen.  BUT, he is probably right about getting rid of the pounds that are still hanging on.   Maybe boot camp is in order.  

My tracker


on 5/1/11 10:57 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Pammy and all of PA - Wow - what a weekend!  From many many birthday celebrations, and to all who wished me a good one - THANKS!!!!!  I really didn't get on here at all to see all the wishes!  I appreciate it all! :)

Friday night - got to drop off Emily at FB hubbys' house for their daughters bday - went to services for a little, wasnt feeling it - came home to have a FABULOUS time with my little brother and his adorable girlfriend.  I immediately bonded with her and we laughed all night.  Of course, seeing as I have the mental capacity of a 23 year old, it makes sense that I would enjoy her right?!?!  Saturday was a blur of activities - including the ever needed mani-pedi in which I was so relaxed that  I actually dozed off in the chair - ahhhhhh............  Went out to lunch with my girls and a friend and her daughters - her oldest and I share the day - and celebrate together every year.  Ran to Target to get a few things, came home to watch the Flyers Game with little bro, his gf and my dad.  (Oh, and Josh too - but he lives there.)  Then the fb hubby and family came over, Larry got out of work early!  YAY!!!!  And off we went to a mexican restaurant for dinner.  It was a great day.  (Even though the Flyers lost - it was still a great day!)  Yesterday I was at a breakfast with a Holocaust survivor and my 7th graders from the synagogue.  She was inspirational - she had numbers on her arm and was put in a concentration camp at the age of 13.  Her story is one of hope and love and never giving up.  What a woman.  Her accent is thick, her resolve is thicker!  I am always changed a little after meeting these people!  

And then last night - wow - my son came into my room at 11:00 to tell me what just transpired as he was watching the Phillies game, I was up to watch the President and while I can NEVER comprehend the joy at someone's demise - all I could think about was my friend Alisha Levin who went to work on September 11, 2001, witnessed the crash of World Trade Tower II as she was in her office, called her parents to let them know she was fine and was going to finish up a few things and then leave and never came home.  I hope her family is dealing with SOME closure.

My students have just arrived and I am looking forward to talking with them about their thoughts on the subject as most do not remember the atrocities first hand of 9/11 as they were little.  I am also looking forward to telling them about the survivor that  I heard from yesterday as they are currently reading The DIary of Anne Frank in their literature class.  Should be a somber yet interesting day.

Happy Monday all!  And Happy May! :)
Sara E.
on 5/1/11 11:31 pm - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
Good Morning Pam & PA!
I had sucha  great weekend at Liz's then my best friends that work is a real downer today.  Tonight I have to take Caleb clothes shopping for dress pants & a white dress shirt.  His band concert is tomorrow night and he has grown out of all of his dress clothes.  It will no doubt be a stressful evening since he hates shopping for clothes and much as I love it.  A fellow at work lent me a P90X DVD to see how I like it compared to my workout DVDs, so while I am at Wal* Mart I will have to pick up a pullup bar too.  I want to have the results Swede had so I had better kick it up a notch.  It is raining here as usual...yuk.  Have a great day everyone!



(deactivated member)
on 5/2/11 12:06 am
Morning All,

    Why do the weekends go so fast? I stayed home on Friday managed to purge yet another bag of clothing while watching the Royal Wedding then had to go to work Friday evening. The good part was that Scoot needed nothing for inspection.

  This weekend we went down to Atlantic City with a a big group of our friends to see a favorite band and we had a ball. Then yesterday Den & I took a really nice walk out the boardwalk it was so nice out. Came home vegged did some errands cause Pathmark had triple coupons so I went to the marker saved $30 on some things so I was happy. Then we watched TV I saw the special report about Bin Laden so I was then up watching all the news reports.

Today has me in work need to reschedule some doctor appointments everyone I had this week the doctors needed to reschedule. I am getting a complex! Tonight I have a few DJ calls to make then I will veg at home flipping between Dancing with the Stars and the Flyers game.

Life is Good! 
on 5/2/11 4:26 am - Schuylkill Haven, PA
Hi all! Yea I'm still alive! I'm sometimes so busy I forget what day it is! The past few weeks have been hectic busy! Kids are growing so fast! Kameron started karate twice a week! Marshall is 16 months already and busy busy! He is ALL boy! Lola is going with the flow! Sassy is her name for sure! I've been busy with the gym and keeping myself in check as much as possible! I got my approval for plastics! I'm having a plus 1 tummy tuck with contouring on June 13th! Thanks to Miss Lisa Hunt I will be spending my first week of recovery with her! I heart her soooooooo much! I'm going to keep checking in from time to time! I hope to post more often! I think when the little guy naps I will try and check in! Hope everyone is well!
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